Nice blog title huh?
One of the highlights of my job is that when working in an international setting, especially with non-native English speaking countries, you often come across reports and documents that have some pretty funny English. As a speaker of foreign languages myself, I am sure that I have said some crazy stuff accidentally in another language so I can somewhat relate. But usually when something's in writing I make damn sure things are grammatically correct. There are enough tools out there these days on the internet that excuses are pretty hard to come by.
I enjoy funny English so much that a couple of colleagues and I used to get together in one of our offices weekly and look up the North Korean news online just to laugh at the way things were written. It's crazy - if you haven't read it, you should. It's so formal and censored and it's always about topics such as "great leader visit shoe factory to promote hard work". Always about the great leader Kim Jong IL or other "loved and trusted leader".
Here's an excerpt from a Korean Central News Agency daily news update (Yes, I am a total nerd at heart):
The young people in the DPRK loved and trusted by Kim Jong Il are now dynamically bearing the brunt of every difficult and labor-consuming project for building a thriving nation, united closer around the dear respected Kim Jong Un.
But funnier is the types of things you can find on international CVs and resumes. These were sent to me by a friend that does recruiting for an unnamed international NGO.
Real examples of how people describe themselves:
multi-skilled rare pedigree and embodiment of professional humility”
all-around person”
beacon for strategic planning in Africa”
is very mostly fluent in English”
a useful jewel of your organization”
de grâce:
To work for a well reputed organization like yours and to take it to the last
mile of success through my mind-blowing skills…”
Special Skills mentioned on REAL CVs
and playing with small children
bicycle riding
Bonsai trees
Organizing welfare activities e.g. weddings, parties
funerals etc
that are social”
popular interests/hobbies:
friends (appeared 9 times)
the news (appeared 7 times)
(appeared 5 times)
Bonus Qualifications Listed on CVs
In response to the request to “List any office machines or
equipment you can use:”
(highlights are out of a list of 45)
Paper shredders.
Paper cutters.
Enjoy! I promise to have more interesting content tomorrow :-)
Feel free to submit a better caption for my North Korean News Photo above!
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